Shaken Shrik's Shreiks

My internal shakes quakes shreiks and sobs driving me, quivering within me, to burst forth which I probably - nay surely - smother, suffocate, kill - wanting now to let them out but yet letting them die... ~a kid-man's stories
writing in the simplest of words... can't use too modern and current words... limited vocabulary haunts me.. so maybe the photos will speak for me and my frame of mind...
uncommented so far, but hoping to build a community of thoughts

My Photo
Location: Indore, Bombay, Maharashtra, India

from southern bi cultural parents transplanted to Bombay in the 40s then transplanting to Indore, Central India, in the 60s; giving me an early identity of being a stop-gap individual - now a thorough Indian... like SRK I tend to bridge the 70s with the modern times of the 21st century... and have a lot to say

Friday, February 04, 2005

Blogger - photo logger

I am back on Blogger;
I had a different name and site earlier, but didn't like the name... have not cancelled that yet, but I started this one because of the link I got from, which said that Blogger supports photo blogging as much.
So the idea was to post all my photos here.. that I took in one format or another, stirred, shaken or smudged, they will be here for criticism, where I will curse myself for seeing those pictures again since I have never appreciated my own shot pics at all... never did I like the pictures I have taken;
maybe I am that perfectionist that, I want to be there on the top, and I am not knowing how to get there....that's what I have been worried about, lately
... but then, that's another story

At this point the idea is to have these pictures out there and describe what I was trying to see at that moment there.... and what invariably went wrong in all those shots

- as I realize, fear of something, people, criticism, is still a problem with me!!!!!
that is what is tugging at me lately.....
So to begin life on here with the name I coined and kept... inspired by Soy milk ~ have been so used to since the time I have been here in the US... 1999 and hence derive my pseudonym from it....


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